Placenta Encapsulation - Las Vegas


Placenta Encapsulation is the act of consuming your placenta for nutritional and hormonal benefits in the postpartum period. This practice supports your body’s natural healing process and honors your transition from pregnancy into newborn motherhood. Alongside a nutrient-rich diet and the continued use of your prenatal vitamins, placenta capsules are an easy and effective way to boost your daily nourishment.

The base package includes a print and cord keepsake if desired. Additional add-ons are available for purchase at an additional cost. Each desired add-on must be added to your cart individually.

4oz Salve: $30

4oz Tincture: $30

12 Lollipops: $30

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What’s Included

Consultation: Question? Concerns? Just want to chat with the cool person who is encapsulating your placenta? I always provide an in-person, phone, or virtual consultation at the beginning of our journey together.

Unlimited Support: I am available via phone, text, and email to provide you with emotional and information support regarding anything placenta encapsulation-related that may arise.

Pick-up & Delivery: Newborn motherhood is hard. I pick up your placenta and deliver your final product(s) right to your doorstep to ensure a hassle-free experience—allowing you to focus on what really matters.

Add-ons: Placenta prints and cord keepsakes are available as add-on services for no additional cost.

The Process

Within 24-hours of baby being born, I pick up your placenta for processing. Your placenta is then prepared (using either the Simple or Steaming method), dehydrated, ground into a fine powder, and then encapsulated in organic, vegan capsules. I store your capsules in amber bottles to prevent oxidation and deliver your capsules within 48 - 72 hours of initial pick-up.

Dosage Recommendations

Specific dosage recommendations can be found on the packaging labels of any of our products.


You can expect to take up to 9 placenta capsules per day, depending on how far into your postpartum journey you are. Placentas vary in size and yield, so depending on the quantity of capsules you are taking per day, they typically can last you anywhere from 3-6 weeks.


Placenta tinctures can be taken after they have had the chance to steep for 6 weeks. You can take up to 14 drops under the tongue or in a glass of water, per day, as needed.

Storage Instructions

Capsules & Tincture

Capsules and tinctures are best stored in cool, dark, and dry places. Kitchen cabinets are ideal in a temperature-regulated room. However, in Las Vegas, it is likely that the refrigerator or freezer will be the best place for them—especially if you are having a summer baby.


While some care providers discourage you from consuming your placenta, the following are the only true contraindications:

Placenta Sent to Pathology

In a hospital-birth setting, there is the potential for care providers to want to send your placenta to pathology for examination and study. Because it cannot be guaranteed that the placenta will be handled or stored properly (see ‘Improper Handling or Storage’, below), or left untreated by chemicals, your placenta is not considered safe for consumption if it is sent to pathology. Keep in mind that it is illegal for hospitals to deny a patient’s right to take home their placenta. In the case that you want your placenta to be sent to pathology, you may ask your care provider to only take a small piece or portion of the placenta to the lab, and save the rest for encapsulation.


If you have been diagnosed with, or suspect that you may have any of the following active infections, your placenta is not considered safe for processing:

  • Hepatitis A, B, and/or C


  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

  • TORCH Infection or Syndrome

    • Toxoplasmosis

    • Other (Syphilis, Parvovirus, Varicella Zoster, Zika virus)

    • Rubella

    • Cytomegalovirus

    • Herpes Simplex

  • Lyme Disease

  • Clostridium Difficile (C. Diff)

Additionally, if you exhibit signs of, or test positive for uterine infections or Chorioamnionitis, your placenta is also not considered safe for consumption. Signs of infection include:

  • A maternal temperature of ≥100.4 °F during or immediately after birth

  • Maternal tachycardia (heart rate of >100 bpm)

  • Fetal tachycardia (heart rate of >160 bmp)

  • Pus-like or foul-smelling amniotic fluid

  • Uterine tenderness

IMPORTANT NOTE: Testing GBS+ (Group Beta Strep Positive) is not the same as having an active infection. If you test GBS+ but do not test positive for an active infection, or exhibit the above-mentioned symptoms, your placenta is safe for encapsulation.

Improper Handling or Storage

The placenta must be handled and stored properly in order to keep it safe for consumption. Placentas must be placed on ice or in a refrigerator within 2 hours of birth, and can safely be stored that way for no longer than 48 hours before being frozen. The placenta must be stored in an air-tight, leakproof container and/or bag. It is further recommended that the container be labeled consistent with its contents when having a hospital birth in order to avoid mix-ups or accidental disposals prior to pick-up. Improper handling or storage can lead to spoilage of the placenta, making it unsafe to consume.

Exposure to Toxins

The placenta is a barrier between mother and baby, and acts like a two-way filter between the two. In the case that the birthing parent is consistently exposed to/using drugs, tobacco, and/or alcohol during pregnancy, the placenta is considered unsafe for consumption.

The above-listed are the only true contraindications for placenta consumption and encapsulation. If you have any further questions or concerns as to whether your placenta is safe to consume, please contact me.