Massage Modalities


In-Home Prenatal/Postpartum - $150/60 mins

Prenatal massages focus on the needs of the birthing person. Helping to reduce emotional and physical tension in the body thus creating a balanced environment for them and the baby.

Postnatal massages assist the birthing person in returning to themselves. Helping you to release the tension created during pregnancy, labor, or tensions arising from the newness of parenting.

*Prenatal massages can be booked after 12 weeks, and Postpartum Massages can be booked 24 hours after birth.


Abdominal & Womb Massages - $100

Noninvasive sessions that can improve your physical and emotional wellbeing. Some benefits include improving digestion, releasing tensions or stored emotions, and can aid in improving posture.

Womb massages are external uterine massages that can also help to clear stored physical or emotional energy held there. Womb massages are said to have tangible benefits to fertility, menstrual cycles, and pelvic bowel alignment.

* Sessions are about 30-45 minutes: including time to discuss your intentions, and any symptoms and to teach you how to massage yourself for at-home maintenance.


C-section Scar Remediation – $150

C-Section Scar tissue remediation works to resolve pain related to injuries or trauma that occurred during the surgery. It incorporates abdominal and womb massages as well as scar tissue manipulation - various techniques that help to break down the rigidity of scar tissue thus restoring mobility & elasticity to surrounding muscles. This modality can cause a somatic emotional release.

* Sessions are about 60-90 minutes in time and can be scheduled after an evaluation from a medical provider. If it’s possible, it’s best to be home alone or at least not have anyone within listening range.


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